Saturday, September 9, 2017

Spiritual Healing & Awakening for the LGBT Community

Dear brothers and sisters of the LGBTQI community:

We all want to be understood.

We all feel pain and discomfort time to time.

For the LGBT community, that pain can be intensified for us much more than for others.


When we look at what’s happening in the world, it’s easy to see why.

Our rights being taken away.

Being marginalized.

Being thought of as less than…

Being told that who you are is not right.


Even as a spiritual teacher and healer myself

It’s still all too real.

You’d think, oh, he’s spiritual! He should be able to handle all this



There’s a huge difference between what it means to be spiritual


what it means to live completely free of struggle.

No one wants to experience pain or hurt no matter how spiritual you are.

So where does one find peace in the middle of all this…



When it comes to the gay, lesbian, bi and transgender community,

For those that come in for a reading and a spiritual healing with me,

What’s important is to know who you really are…

That is,

As spiritual beings,

It’s NO ACCIDENT that you

took on the body that you did.

It’s no accident that you were put on this earth

To show love and compassion

Where others can’t.

It’s no accident

That you are here to evolve into even greater awareness

That those who are not in the LGBTQI community

Who couldn’t possibly fully understand

Because they don’t inhabit the bodies that we do.


That’s not to say that we are completely alone, however.

When we step into loving compassion for ourselves,

our fellow brothers and sisters,

our communities,

our allies,

and even our enemies…

We provide an example of what it really means to be human

That is…

We learn that we can overcome any trials or difficulties

We show that when we truly want something,

We can overcome anything.

Even overcoming

how to love our own selves in the face of

not being loved completely by others.

There’s a favorite saying I heard from a spiritual teacher, Nirmala:

“Love is for giving, not for getting.”

I like to play on this by saying,

“Love is forgiving, not forgetting.”

Let’s not forget who we really are…












If you are ready to awaken to your life’s true purpose, or if you need help coming out, or coming to terms spiritually with your identity, contact me.

I provide a safe space for readings and spiritual healing for the LGBTQI community.

Feel to schedule an initial session to find out more. Click here to learn more.

In Spirit,


View more on Spiritual Healing & Awakening for the LGBT Community which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healings & Readings.

Are You Feeling Like You’ve Fallen Off Your Path and Looking For Answers? A Spiritual Healing For Greater Clarity


Hi there,

As a spiritual healer, the most common calls I get are where people are feeling lost. They want guidance and a spiritual healing. I often hear:

  • I’ve been thinking a lot. I have a lot of paths to follow. I’m not sure which one.
  • I feel stuck. I need guidance on where to turn to next.
  • I feel all over the place. I just want to feel good again.

Whenever I hear this from my clients, I understand completely. As a fellow human being, I can empathize for sure!

From a healing and psychic point of view, here’s what I often notice:

  • A lack of direction
  • A lack of a spiritual compass
  • A disconnect from your true path

Want to know what this lack of direction looks like?

It’s where you—

  • Start many things, but don’t finish anything
  • You may have tried many quick fixes like “get rich quick” schemes and the like
  • You keep seeking answers from others and not checking in with what your heart says

Any of this resonate with you?

Spiritual Healing for Greater Awareness—Connecting To Your True Purpose

What I love about working with people is when they are coming to me for guidance, often they are actually at that point of their next awakening!

Think about it… you would be asking these questions if you didn’t feel deep down that you could actually make a change.

A spiritual healing helps you with the following:

  • Letting go of all the mind’s super-chatter (Try this! Try that! No, don’t do that!)
  • Get back in touch with your spirit’s true frequency
  • Be more grounded so you can continue on more solid ground

In other words: You feel more like yourself again. You feel more confident with where you are headed next.

New offering:

Many people want to just hear my voice. I now offer a free 10 minute introductory initial call. It’s a mini meet-and-greet where you can just get a sense of my energy, ask questions, and find out if my services are right for you.

Click here to schedule a free 10 minute introductory call.

For more, visit True Insights for spiritual healing.

In Spirit,


View more on Are You Feeling Like You’ve Fallen Off Your Path and Looking For Answers? A Spiritual Healing For Greater Clarity which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healings & Readings.

Wake Up Your Natural Intuition—Class Announcement for San Diego

Class Announcement for the San Diego Area:

Wake Up Your Natural Intuition

Psychic Classes San Diego

Wake Up Your Natural Intuition Workshop San Diego

Wake Up Your Natural Intuition Workshop San Diego

In this one-night only event, you are invited to go on an amazing journey to wake up your natural intuitive abilities!

– Discover your unique intuitive or psychic ability
– Learn about the different Clairs: Clairvoyant, Claircognition, Clairsentience, Clairauditory
– An introduction to opening the 3rd eye, chakras, and the aura
– How to safely protect yourself from other energies
– Learn how to perform a basic energy healing

For this introductory event, we are offering special pricing where if you sign up today, you pay just $25. It’s otherwise $40 at the door.

Pricing limited to the first 30 signups only! Reserve your spot today!

Curious about clairvoyance, energy, or about waking up the 3rd eye?


Many years ago when I first started developing my psychic abilities, I started off just FEELING everything. I felt everyone else’s energies. I felt how they felt. I could literally match their vibration.

I felt so much, I somehow even know ‘why’ they were feeling what they were feeling.

While this is a way to be able to read someone, what happened was I ended taking on too much of their energies—taking on their stuff!

I would end up literally not feeling like Joe anymore.


Through many years of training including with the school where I teach at now called Intuitive Insights in San Diego, I was introduced to a new way to read.

I started reading more and more with my 6th chakra—or the 3rd eye—as a way to read more neutrally.

Now, after much practice, I can read without taking on anyone else’s life force energy!

If anyone else’s energy does get in my space, I have the psychic tools to flush all of that out!


And while I still use my other senses such as my feeling, my knowing, and my seeing, I’m able to literally see the world in a whole new light by developing the third eye.

An INTRO TO WAKING UP THE 3RD EYE and PSYCHIC PROTECTION TOOLS—this is only part of what is available to you in this special one-night only workshop!

Jodi and are excited to bring you this special event. Remember it’s $25 for this online special and $40 at the door.


Looking forward to seeing you there!



As of this post date, there are 2 days left till the “Wake Up Your Intuition” workshop begins on 9/11! Special $25 when you purchase online or $40 at the door.

Recap of what you will learn:
– Intro to the different kinds of “clairs” – clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognition, clairaudience. Which one are you?
– Feeling and seeing the aura, your energy field around you.
– Energy tools to protect you from taking on too much of other people’s energies.
– Step-by-step guidance on how to give others a basic reading and energy healing.

**Many report that classes like this are a first step in their true calling. If this is calling to you, this is an intuitive gift waiting to arise from the Spirit within you. Join this special community as we discover these gifts together!

Purchase tickets today!


View more on Wake Up Your Natural Intuition—Class Announcement for San Diego which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healings & Readings.