Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A San Diego Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing To Help You Let Go




From the desk of Joe Gacoscos:

Dear Reader,

You probably hear this from your friends all the time…

“Oh just let go!”
“He’s no good for you, you should just leave.”
“That’s a dead-end job – just walk away.”
“That was a long time ago, why are you still holding on?

Or you might even say to yourself, 

“Why is it so hard for me to let go – that was so long ago?”
“Even with all my spiritual tools and meditation, why am I still stuck?”
“I just feel weighed down all the time.”
“I wish I can just feel like myself again.”

Can you relate?


  • Modern society suggests that the key to life is success.
  • And in order to be successful, we must gain, gain, gain in order to achieve!
  • So we work, push, and strive to gain more and more, often to the point of exhaustion.
  • But what is the cost of that? Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, we lose touch of what’s really important.
  • The spiritual irony is we forget what’s important in the first place…


Like a closet that’s likely FULL of stuff you don’t need, your aura, your chakras, and your body are likely filled to the brim.

Like a tree in the summer full of leaves, imagine if that tree were to continue into fall and winter trying to hold onto all of those leaves?

With much less sun and colder temperatures, you’d say it’s silly for that tree to keep trying to hold on to all it’s leaves, right? It would actually take MORE energy for that poor tree to survive the blistering cold winter.

This exhausted tree just won’t have that kind of energy to sustain itself!

And so, the tree just LETS GO of those leaves…


Rather than trying to gain one more technique, or gain one more piece of insight, get that one extra spiritual message, here’s what I suggest instead…

  1. Get Clear
    Especially if you have been trying for a while to let go of ____________ (fill in the blank – relationships, jobs, recurring thoughts, bad habits, etc.), it’s likely there may be some energy block that keeps you from seeing the real core issue
    A psychic reading can help you see beyond with an alternative perspective
    As you may have heard before, the key to healing is to first identify the issue
  2. Get to the Core
    Have you noticed that you may only be touching the surface of what’s really  going on?
    When we heal only at the surface, there’s a chance that that issue will easily return again.
    However, when you can get to the core of the issue – old karma, old family programming, old agreements with spirit guides, stuck energies from old traumas – then you can more get to the root cause to make your desired changes
  3. Get a Healing
    As a psychic energy healer, often what I see are
    1. Stuck energies in one or more of your chakras
    2. Old programming or unconscious energies in your aura
    3. The energies from old karma, sometimes from past lives
    4. Your chakras and energy field out of alignmentFortunately, once the issue is identified, it is then much easier as a healer to move these energies out​.

      You’ll feel more grounded and lighter as you release these old energies!

  4. Get More Space For Rest So You Can Flow!
    Like leaves falling off a tree in the fall and winter, you let go.
    There’s now potential and more room for you to create anew
    And just like the rest of nature, sometimes it’s just best to “hibernate” a bit
    Why not create your own “mini-winter” to hibernate?
    Often this becomes fertile ground to hatch new and fresh ideas!
  5. Get Back in the Groove
    The great thing about honoring the seasons of life – spring, summer, fall, and winter – is they provide the perfect example of our innate creativity
    • Fall: Letting go
    • Winter: Hibernating
    • Spring: Rebirth
    • Summer: Full bloom of new ideasOnce you understand this cycle, you’ll start to see this playing out in many areas of your life:​
    • Love
    • Relationships
    • Work and career
    • Spirituality
    • Money
    • Beliefs

You’ll also see some cycles are quicker than others, and often not on the same trajectory

Some areas you’re in autumn, some areas you’re in spring!

And yes, in some areas, you might be in that eternal “summer” even in the din of winter.


  • If you’re still reading, and you’ve tried all you could to help yourself…
  • If your best friend’s advice doesn’t work, and honestly, you find their advice is annoying and intrusive…
  • If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired…
  • If you believe there is a spiritual aspect to finding help & guidance in ways you may not have thought of…
  • If you feel like answers are in your grasp but not quite within reach…

And if this message calls to you, then I recommend you take advantage of November’s 90 Minutes for $99 Special right away! This is great for San Diego residents and by phone or by Skype!


“I highly recommend seeing Joe if you’re seeking clarity, healing, and personal transformation. He is truly gifted, and his work comes straight from the heart.”
~Krystin (San Diego)

“He was able to see the real me and presented things in a very loving and kind way. I walked away with more clarity and I felt relief and balanced from the healing he did.”
~Jenn (Mira Mesa)

“I left my session feeling lighter and happier and with tools I could use to continue to help myself. I am also happy with the decision I made about my employment.”

~Felicia (Chula Vista)

“I’ve participated in many sessions with Joe now and have experienced much needed healing within myself plus a complete 180 degree shift in my energy (and mood!) following his sessions and classes.”

~Michele (Los Angeles)

Book Your Appointment Today and You Get A 90 Minute DEEP HEALING Session Including:

  • A Psychic Reading to identify and blocks from anywhere you are having a hard time letting go of old baggage
  • An Energy Healing to help release any old, stuck energies from your chakras and aura
  • Get Back Into Body, Mind, and Soul Alignment to hit that spiritual reset button
  • Replenish Yourself with Your Energy to get reconnected to your soul purpose
  • Create Space For New Manifestations to let your soul fly freely

You get a DEEP psychic energy healing to help hit that holiday reset button!
Normally priced at $125 for just $99
90 Minutes for $99 is a popular option and is limited to November only!

Call (619) 346-1686 to book your appointment


Click the “Book Online” button above to check for other psychic energy healing offerings, available openings, and to reserve today!

View more on A San Diego Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing To Help You Let Go which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Psychic Spiritual Energy Healing San Diego

Often when life gets challenging, it can feel like there is no other alternative. It seems like you’ve tried everything – from meditation, to getting more exercise, to even turning to a nice stiff drink – all to no avail.

And all around, everyone is happy to give you their opinions on what you should do:

  • “You should just relax more.”
  • “You need to take it easy.”
  • “Stop making it such a big deal!”

And of course, that unsolicited though well-meaning advice gets you exactly where you’d started…Nowhere.

What You Haven’t Tried Yet

So you’ve tried everything. However, from a psychic healer‘s point of view, I see it a bit differently. 

What often happens is we work on everything out on the periphery:

  • We work on body.
  • We work on the mind.
  • We work on our emotions.

What do we forget?

We forget SPIRIT.


When things aren’t working, often it is because one or more of this sacred triad is either out of alignment or out of balance, or BOTH.

From the psychic’s point of view, the chakras are either blocked or energy is not flowing well. The aura might be damaged or holding foreign energies.

On the level of Spirit, this is the area we often don’t think to look at.

And yet, I believe it is the most vital.

San Diego Psychic Energy Healing

I like to tell my clients, “When you work from Spirit, all else follows.”

When you come in for a San Diego psychic energy healing with True Insights, working from Spirit is the primary focus.

When you look at the energy of disease, or dis-ease, it’s often because of the aforementioned energy blocks.

It’s amazing when I see, for example, some kind of energy block in the middle of someone’s head. I perform a chakra healing on that area, and the headache eases or even disappears completely.

When I see stuck energies in a client’s gut area, I help to heal it and the tension is relieved.


Ready for a San Diego Psychic Reading AND Energy Healing?

While many places in San Diego offer a psychic reading or an energy healing, at True Insights, you get both.

Call today to find out more! Click here for this month’s special offer.

View more on Psychic Spiritual Energy Healing San Diego which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Friday, July 21, 2017

When Is The Right Time For A San Diego Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing?

(Searching for a psychic reading in San Diego? Click here to find out more)

One question I get often is, “When is the right time to come in for a psychic reading or energy healing?

My response is usually to ask you right back, the following questions:

  • What would you like to get out of the reading?
  • What are your goals for our time together during your energy healing?
  • What were you searching for when you first called me to schedule a reading or a healing?

Once clients start to get clear on their goals for the reading, the answer is clear…

Clients often find that the time to come in for is a psychic reading is actually when you find yourself already asking yourself, “When is the right time…”

Not to be too cliche, but if you are already asking that question, the time is now.

Why you might ask? 

You can kind of just postulate that Spirit is already pushing you forward.

The energies, the forces of the Universe, life’s circumstances – all of these are having you asking for clarity which a psychic reading can provide.

Psychic Reading or Energy Healing or Both?

With a Psychic Reading, you get the following. I take a look at your:

  • Chakras
  • Aura
  • Energy Channels
  • Past life karma
  • Spirit Guide Communications
  • Any blocks

With an Energy Healing, you get the following. I help you

  • Remove or neutralize any energetic blocks you are ready to release
  • Remove any unwanted beings or “entities”
  • Release stuck energies from your aura
  • Bring your energetic space back into present time
  • Replenish your aura, chakras and energy channels with YOUR present time vibration and energy




Ready to schedule an appointment?

Check out our monthly specials as well as customer reviews on Yelp.

For any questions, feel free to contact Joe at 619-346-1686.

Many blessings to you!


Psychic in San Diego

View more on When Is The Right Time For A San Diego Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing? which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

Video URL:

Training Available: How To Open Your Third Eye 

Download your free ebook on How To Open Your Third Eye Here:

When it come to waking up your third eye, often the challenges for those first trying this out are the following:

– Am I really seeing anything?
– Am I doing this right?
– I don’t know what I’m doing
– I think I see something, but I’m not exactly sure…

Frustration can then take hold. 

When reading, one of the keys is to remain in a relaxed state, free of effort, and being open to the experience.

Often students are looking to see images that are as clear as day. However, many times, the images are always so vivid. You may see

– Flashes of colors
– Odd shapes
– Various formations that don’t make sense at first

Now when working to awaken the third eye, one of the keys is simply to be in the moment and allow for the images to form.

Check out the video above that I just create that walks you through opening the 3rd eye. It’s a guided meditation on opening up your third eye.

View more on How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Who Wants a Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing in San Diego?

Psychic Reading and Energy Healing San Diego

For many of us who seek a psychic reading, often we’ll have the benefit of gaining a valuable viewpoint as provided by the psychic.

On the flip side, however, what if the psychic sees something that isn’t so favorable such as:

  • Stuck energies?
  • Foreign entities?
  • Unresolved karma?
  • Energies from an unresolved past?

In this case, you’d definitely want a psychic reading AND an Energy Healing

For San Diegans (and even for people who live outside of San Diego with distance healings), you have Joe at True Insights to help you.

Joe specializes in not only psychically seeing energy, he also is very adept at providing a psychic energy healing.

If you:

  • Want a sense of relief from stress
  • Let go of energies that have been bothering you for a while
  • Want more calm and peace within you

…then you should definitely come to your one-stop shop for both a psychic reading and energy healing in San Diego with Joe at True Insights.

Space for a healing is on a 1st come, 1st served basis.

Sign up for your San Diego Psychic Reading and Energy Healing Today!

Additionally, contact Joe feel free to call if you have any questions or inquiries.

View more on Who Wants a Psychic Reading and Spiritual Energy Healing in San Diego? which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Friday, July 14, 2017

4 Benefits for Psychic Spiritual Energy Healing San Diego

Psychic Energy Healing San Diego

Are you in need of a psychic energy healing San Diego?
Have you been feeling kind of low in energy lately?
How’s your motivation level?

Sometimes you’ve tried everything else to feel better. In these cases, sometimes turning to a psychic energy healing can be your best next step.

Here are 4 benefits for a psychic energy healing:

  • Identify why you feel stuck with a psychic reading
    • When a psychic clairvoyant looks your energetic state, he/she can identify those energies. These energies are seen as foreign energies or energies that are not in present time.
  • Understand how that stuck energy got there in the first place
    • Since psychic doesn’t necessarily have to operate in the realm of space and time, it is easy to see how negative energies came into your space in the first place. It could be something from your past or even unresolved karma.
  • Be advised on ways to prevent that energy from returning
    • When you can manage your energy, you manage your space. Joe taught many students on how to manage their energy and how to protect themselves from future energy challenges.
  • Receiving a powerful psychic energy healing utilizing cutting edge clairvoyant healing techniques

For a skilled clairvoyant, these healing techniques must be performed from a very neutral space. This helps to protect BOTH the client and the psychic performing the work.

The healing is simple and elegant, yet very powerful. Many clients report feeling a major sense of relief and physically feeling like a weight has been lifted!

Ready to take the next step and receive a psychic energy healing San Diego?

Click here to sign up for a True Insights Psychic Energy Healing today!

Spot are limited and are on a first come, first served basis.

View more on 4 Benefits for Psychic Spiritual Energy Healing San Diego which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Discover Spiritual Healing in San Diego

For all intents and purposes, not all healings are created equal. Not all healings are even meant for every single kind of person in every single instance.

When searching for a clairvoyant healing in San Diego, you are seeking to work with a credible psychic, skilled in performing clairvoyant readings and healings.

At True Insights, Joe is a clairvoyant based out of San Diego who specializes in a Clairvoyant style of healing.

When you receive a clairvoyant healing at True Insights, you will receive the following:

  • A psychic clairvoyant reading to check your chakras, aura, and energy channels
  • A report on the state of your energy space including any blocks or stuck energies
  • A healing using powerful cutting edge clairvoyant healing techniques used by Joe

Are you ready to release all those stuck and foreign energies out of your space?

Why bother holding onto all of that!? You deserve relief today.

Feel free to schedule a clairvoyant healing in San Diego today! If you want a distance healing, check out this page out as well!

View more on Discover Spiritual Healing in San Diego which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Looking for a Spiritual Energy Healing in San Diego?

View more on Looking for a Spiritual Energy Healing in San Diego? which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Sign Up for A Psychic Spiritual Chakra Healing Session San Diego

When searching for a psychic chakra healing session in San Diego, it’s important to distinguish the types of healing modalities that are out there. Here at True Insights, the type of healing you get is via clairvoyant energy healing.

To know if clairvoyant energy healing is the type of healing is right for you, first of all, see if you can agree to the following statements. Have you been…

  • Feeling out of balance lately?
  • Experience either physical pains or emotional pain associated with one of the chakras (see Chakra Healing and Balancing page)?
  • Have that general sense of feeling stuck?
  • Do you feel like other people’s energies easily get into your space?

If you answered yes” to most of these questions, then you are definitely a good candidate for an energy healing in general.

When it comes to receiving a clairvoyant healing, this type of healing is effective, especially when performed by a skilled psychic. The advantages are as follows:

  1. A clairvoyant can you his psychic ability to see the energies that may be causing a block in one or more of your chakras
  2. When an energy is seen and identified, it is then easy to move these energies out use powerful clairvoyant healing techniques
  3. A clairvoyant heals from a NEUTRAL place
  4. When a healing is performed from a neutral place, there is no mixing of energies between the healer and the client being healed

How do you know if you are going to be receptive to this type of healing? 

It helps if you:

  • Are open minded
  • Can be receptive to receiving a healing (not everyone is!)
  • Have a higher than average sense of energy awareness
  • You believe in psychic phenomena

Think you fit the criteria stated above? Interested in a Psychic Chakra Healing Session in San Diego? Distance readings and healings  via phone or Skype are also available.

Click here to book your chakra healing session today! 

View more on Sign Up for A Psychic Spiritual Chakra Healing Session San Diego which appeared first on True Insights Spiritual Energy Healing and Clairvoyant Psychic Readings.