Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Watch video on YouTube here: Who Wants to Know More About San...

Watch video on YouTube here: Who Wants to Know More About San Diego Psychic Readings
For San Diego Psychic Readings, book now at http://ift.tt/2adIFBU San Diego Psychic Readings Psychic Energy Healing San Diego Often when life gets challenging, it can feel like there is no other alternative. It seems like you’ve tried everything - from meditation, to getting more exercise, to even turning to a nice stiff drink - all to no avail. And all around, everyone is happy to give you their opinions on what you should do: “You should just relax more.” “You need to take it easy.” “Stop making it such a big deal!” And of course, that unsolicited though well-meaning advice gets you exactly where you’d started…Nowhere. What You Haven’t Tried Yet So you’ve tried everything. However, from a psychic healer’s point of view, I see it a bit differently. What often happens is we work on everything out on the periphery: We work on body. We work on the mind. We work on our emotions. What do we forget? We forget SPIRIT. BODY MIND SPIRIT CONNECTION When things aren’t working, often it is because one or more of this sacred triad is either out of alignment or out of balance, or BOTH. From the psychic’s point of view, the chakras are either blocked or energy is not flowing well. The aura might be damaged or holding foreign energies. On the level of Spirit, this is the area we often don’t think to look at. And yet, I believe it is the most vital. San Diego Psychic Energy Healing I like to tell my clients, “When you work from Spirit, all else follows.” When you come in for a San Diego psychic energy healing with True Insights, working from Spirit is the primary focus. When you look at the energy of disease, or dis-ease, it’s often because of the aforementioned energy blocks. It’s amazing when I see, for example, some kind of energy block in the middle of someone’s head. I perform a chakra healing on that area, and the headache eases or even disappears completely. When I see stuck energies in a client’s gut area, I help to heal it and the tension is relieved. ESSENTIALLY, WHEN THE HEALING FROM SPIRIT, IN TURN, THE MIND AND THE BODY GET A HEALING AS A RESULT. Ready for a San Diego Psychic Reading AND Energy Healing? While many places in San Diego offer a psychic reading or an energy healing, at True Insights, you get both. Call today to find out more! 619-346-1686 San Diego Psychic Readings SAN DIEGO PSYCHIC READINGS : 00:00:05 San Diego Psychic Readings 00:00:08 San Diego Energy Healing 00:00:12 Clairvoyant Readings San Diego 00:00:15 Psychic Readings San Diego 00:00:19 Psychics In San Diego Watch more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoVZ0d6b_KU&list=PLdXNr8ANhW2jzLE9W9ZTEKYjPTHsMcoUy Read More Click Here: http://ift.tt/1ZRIiM4 or http://ift.tt/1RRxOqy by Joe Gacoscos’s Channel

Psychic Energy Healing San Diego

Often when life gets challenging, it can feel like there is no other alternative. It seems like you’ve tried everything - from meditation, to getting more exercise, to even turning to a nice stiff drink - all to no avail.
And all around, everyone is happy to give you their opinions on what you should do:
“You should just relax more.”“You need to take it easy.”“Stop making it such a big deal!”
And of course, that unsolicited though well-meaning advice gets you exactly where you’d started…Nowhere.
What You Haven’t Tried Yet
So you’ve tried everything. However, from apsychic healer’s point of view, I see it a bit differently.
What often happens is we work on everything out on the periphery:
We work on body.We work on the mind.We work on our emotions.
What do we forget?
We forget SPIRIT.
When things aren’t working, often it is because one or more of thissacred triadis either out of alignment or out of balance, or BOTH.
From the psychic’s point of view, the chakras are either blocked or energy is not flowing well. The aura might be damaged or holding foreign energies.
On the level of Spirit, this is the area we often don’t think to look at.
And yet, I believe it is the most vital.
San Diego Psychic Energy Healing
I like to tell my clients,“When you work from Spirit, all else follows.”
When you come in for aSan Diego psychic energy healingwithTrue Insights, working from Spirit is the primary focus.
When you look at the energy of disease, or dis-ease, it’s often because of the aforementioned energy blocks.
It’s amazing when I see, for example, some kind of energy block in the middle of someone’s head. I perform achakra healingon that area, and the headache eases or even disappears completely.
When I see stuck energies in a client’s gut area, I help to heal it and the tension is relieved.
Ready for a San Diego Psychic Reading AND Energy Healing?
While many places in San Diego offer a psychic reading or an energy healing, at True Insights, you getboth.
Call today to find out more! Clickherefor this month’s special offer.

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Psychic Energy Healing San Diego